Bordering the country and guarding the great Manila Bay, Corregidor served as a battleground during the World War II. People living in here used to have that American kind of living where they enjoy the leisure of free country. That happy living was then turned into a nightmare when Japanese troops conquered Corregidor, the Philippines and the World. Below are some of the ruins of what has been an unfathomable life of the World War II.
Photos by Mark Albert Alejo Cruz
This picture, more than seven decades ago used to be a hospital. However, on the 29th day of December 1941, Japanese forces bombed this hospital – which was noted to be one of the heavily damaged structures in the island.
Stories of the Corregidor hospital didn’t stop after the bombing incident. People who came to live and survived from the tragedy made the ruins alive and interesting through their stories of the past as well as stories of the unknown.
Can you guess what these pictures used to be? If you guessed it the Topside, then you are right! Topside, prior to the World War II was Corregidor’s business and social area. Along this ruined building are other remarkable statutes left from what has been an American thriving community before World War II. People enjoy the good life where they go to movie theatres, buy automobiles, watch sports, rode on a train and even swim on a pool.
The Malinta Tunnel is one spot you shouldn’t miss when you visit Corregidor for in this place you will fully understand Corregidor – its past and its present. The Tunnel which requires its visitors to pay Php 150.00 will offer you with lots of things you need to know about World War II. A video presentation will be played as you go on with your walk through the tunnel. Also featured inside the tunnel are statutes that depict people during the World War II as well as the ruined parts of the tunnel.
The Barracks, is one of the remarkable spots in Corregidor and is also one of the reasons why Corregidor is called “The Rock”. Corregidor’s geographic location served entrance to the Manila Bay and because of this; it has become the ground for naval defenses during the World War II. What once a peaceful town was later on turned into a battleground. Barracks together with the surviving structures transcended from generations to generations to remind people of younger generations of the nobility and heroism our forefathers.
This major artillery served as a major warfare during the World War II. Such structure remained today together with three others not only to lure different tourists but also to give people a glimpse of the life during the World War II.
Another ruin from the Corregidor. For most people, travelling back in time usually seems like fiction and it doesn’t and will never ever happen. However, when you get to see relics such as these – travelling the past becomes tangible and attainable.
Photos by Mark Albert Alejo Cruz
The photos are beautiful. I plan to visit Manila in 2013 and this is what I want to see