
About Kaiser Mangampo

I am the founder and owner of

List of DOT Accredited Tour Guides in El Nido, Palawan with Contact Numbers

El Nido, a picturesque town in Palawan, is a popular destination for tourists seeking adventure, relaxation, and an unforgettable experience in the heart of the Philippines. With its crystal-clear waters, pristine beaches, and dramatic limestone cliffs, El Nido offers a wide range of activities for visitors to enjoy. To make the most of your

Island Hopping in Gen. Luna, Siargao

Usually, when we speak of Siargao we mean waves – the mighty waves that attract lots of local and foreign surfers from all over the world to come and visit the tear-drop shaped island. Siargao, being touted as the Surfing Capital of the Philippines, is not only about big waves and surfing. There are actually

Dako Island: One of the Best Beaches in the Philippines

One of the three islands we visited during our Island Hopping in Gen. Luna, Siargao was the Dako or Daku Island. The name of the island was derived from the Visayan name for “Big”. The island was named so because it is the biggest among the three island destinations (Naked, Dako and Guyam) for the

Top 10 Best Beaches in Mindanao

When it comes to beaches, Philippines never run out of it! Occupying the second largest chunk in the Philippine Archipelago, Mindanao is a beach haven itself wherein most of its fine beaches are untouched by commercialism. If you are seeking for a beach getaway in cloistered areas or simply exploring the richness of Mindanao, here’s

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